Discover the Buddhist land of Vietnam - Yen Tu Pagoda - Fantasea Vietnam
  • Tiếng Việt
  • Discover the Buddhist land of Vietnam – Yen Tu Pagoda

    Update day: 02/10/2018

    The Yen Tu historical site stretches 20 km along Phuong Dong and Yen Cong communes in Uong Bi town of Quang Ninh province. Nestled in the magnificent landscape, Yen Tu mountain is famous for the Bronze pagoda, which sits 1,068 m above sea level. This tourist complex comprises pagodas, temples, towers and perennial forest. Today FantaSea takes you on a tour of Yen Tu.


    In spring and summer many pilgrims go to Yen Tu to pay homage to Buddha. Yen Tu, nestled in the middle of ancient pine trees is a special place, enjoying a deep stillness that allows visitors to forget about their daily cares. Yen Tu is where several Venerable monks of the Ly and Tran dynasties including Hien Quang, Dao Van and the Most Venerable Tran Nhan Tong and Tran Thanh Tong, practiced Buddhism. After ceding his throne to his son, King Tran Nhan Tong (1258-1308) retired to lead a religious life as a hermit. He founded the Truc Lam Zen sect and this place became the largest Vietnamese center of Buddhism. The Most Venerable Thich Tue Phuc, Deputy Manager of the Truc Lam Yen Tu pagoda, says“Yen Tu pagoda is closely associated with Truc Lam Zen. In the 14th century, King Tran Nhan Tong, 3rd King of the Tran Dynasty, gave the throne to his son Anh Tong. 6 years later, at the age of 41, Tong moved to Yen Tu, where he founded the current Truc Lam Zen sect, a Buddhist sect that is purely Vietnamese”.


    The Venerable Thich Tue Phuc says that in the summer, Yen Tu attracts not only pilgrims but also students who want to learn Buddhism:“Zen Buddhism is a branch whose main practice is meditation. During their summer vacation, students are sent here to discover Buddhism, while perfecting their morality to become good citizens”.

    Formerly, to reach the summit, there was no choice but to climb the stairs and steep paths for two hours, which requires a good deal of motivation. Today, pilgrims can take a cable car up to the pagoda in less than an hour. Le Trong Thanh,  Deputy Director of the Tung Lam Cable Car Company, says: “On the weekend, the number of visitors increases sharply. Our company tries to ensure the best services for visitors, guiding them to pagodas and temples”.


    Many tourists prefer to walk up the mountain to enjoy the surrounding landscape. From the Giai Oan (Clearing Unjust Charges) pagoda, pilgrims follow the stream to get to Yen Tu mountain. The long road is dotted with places of worship like Hoa Hien Pagoda, Ngoa Van temple, Mot Mai (One Roof) pagoda, Bao Sai pagoda, and Vân Tien pagoda. Bach Hop, a pilgrim, says: “When we reached the Bronze pagoda, it was 5 o’clock in the morning. It was dark but we felt good. Yen Tu is beautiful, clean, tranquil and peaceful”.

    Despite being more than seven centuries old, Yen Tu still retains its original beauty and unique charm.

    Update day: 02/10/2018

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