30-day visa exemption for foreigner visitors to Phu Quoc - Fantasea Vietnam
  • Tiếng Việt
  • 30-day visa exemption for foreigner visitors to Phu Quoc

    Phu Quoc is allowed to apply the visa exemption policy for foreigners entering Vietnam by satisfying the following conditions: having an international airport, separate space, definite geographical boundaries, separating from the mainland, being consistent with the socio-economic development policy and not harming Vietnam’s defense, national security, social order, and safety.

    These conditions are stated in the Law amended and supplemented a number of articles of the Law on entry, exit, transit, and residence of foreigners in Vietnam. This new law, effective July 1, 2020, also added a 30-day visa exemption for foreigners to enter the coastal economic zone. A visa-free policy with a stay of no more than 30 days will create favorable conditions for tourism and Phu Quoc’s economy to develop by taking advantage of the natural beauty this pearl island has.

    Currently, in the process of recovering the international tourist market after the COVID-19 epidemic, Phu Quoc is mentioned by tourism experts as an ideal location for isolated tourism products, which means bringing international tourists to designated resorts on charter flights. Visitors can participate in outdoor activities such as sunbathing, relaxing, playing water sports on beautiful beaches, and being checked on COVID-19 periodically during the vacation.

    Source: Vietnam Times

    Update day: 03/06/2020
    Update day: 03/06/2020

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